Friday, August 9, 2024

Mastering the School and Work Life Balance

 Hello Badgers! It is now mid-august, and the new school year is just around the corner. A new school year can be both exciting and nerve-racking, especially if you are beginning a new program or maybe even a new job. We at CareerZone understand that managing the perfect school and work life balance can be tricky, but we are here to help.  


1: Keep a schedule  

To keep organized, we suggest you keep a calendar/ schedule handy. On this schedule, write out all your classes (including times and locations) and any work shifts you may have. When planning out your work schedule, ensure that your in-person courses will not be affected. If possible, allot yourself some time to relax and complete any assignments you may have.  

CareerZone has a weekly and monthly calendar that you have access to. Our calendar lets you see all our career events! Everything is posted ahead of time, which will allow you to plan around your schedule. Beyond that, if you are unable to reach CareerZone during our opening hours, you can connect with us by email or online chat, and we will get back to you ASAP.  


2: Set realistic goals 

During the school year a lot goes on. Some students can find themselves caught up between many projects which can lead to some serious burnout. To avoid that burnout, we advise setting up some realistic goals for yourself.  

Now you may be asking, what are realistic goals? Well, these goals are ones that are thought about critically and carefully to avoid academic burnout. Let’s say you have an exam to write. Instead of studying one day for 8 hours straight, try studying for 2 or 3 days at 2-3 hours a piece. Doing this will allow you to recall information much better, and still give you enough time in the day to both go to school, work, and hopefully have some free time. Set smaller goals, so that the bigger ones are easily accomplished 

3: Take a day to yourself! You deserve a break too.  

When you are in school 4-5 days a week and then work a couple shifts a week, it's easy to become burnout. If you can try to take a day out of the week to just relax and focus on your mental and physical health. If taking a full day off is not something you can easily do, then we suggest finding a few hours over a day or two, to take some time to relax and de-stress. Many individuals struggle with taking time for themselves, but just remember that you deserve a break! Actively taking care of yourself will allow you to feel refreshed when focussing on your other responsibilities. So please take some time to watch a movie, hangout with friends, or even just take a nap!  

Hopefully this blog has helped you understand how to balance a school and work filled life. Please remember Brock has a series of mental health support services that are here to assist you! If you need career advice or just need a quick chat on how to balance your school and work life, feel free to come chat with us! We are available Tuesday through Thursday in person from 10am-4pm and Mondays/Fridays online! 

Have a great rest of your summer badgers! 

Follow us to stay up to date on all our upcoming events and workshops! 

Instagram: @brocku_career.ed 

Written by: Julia Collin-Pereira Career Navigator 


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