Friday, July 5, 2024

CareerZone FAQ

 As we are approaching the mid-point of the summer, I hope all of you are enjoying your break and spending time in the beautiful weather getting that Vitamin D! 


At CareerZone, we get a lot of questions from students, but there are a few that all of you ask the most. So, we thought we would put together an FAQ list for Brock students! 

What services does CareerZone offer? 

CareerZone can help you with: 

  • Career Exploration 

  • Job Search 

  • Resume and Cover Letter 

  • Interview Help 

  • Grad School Applications 

  • LinkedIn Profiles, headshots and more! 

How do I access job postings on CareerZone? 

To access the CareerZone job postings, please complete the following steps: 

  1. Log into CareerZone ( 

  1. Select Campus Career, then Job Postings 

  1. Select “View All Available Postings” to see unfiltered results 

  1. To filter your results, create a new search and filter by organization (e.g. Brock University), location, and position type 

How do I book an appointment with a Talent Development Specialist? 

Our Talent Development Specialist meets with students for career advising and job search help, in-depth resume and cover letter reviews, mock interviews, and post-graduate study applications. 

To book a 1:1 appointment, please complete the following steps: 

  1. Log into CareerZone ( 

  1. Select Campus Career, then Appointments from the left side menu  

  1. Select one of the booking options provided 

  1. Choose a date and time, then provide additional information (if applicable) 

  1. Select Book Appointment 

When do on-campus jobs become available and where can I find them? 

Most departments post their on-campus jobs between January – April to fill summer positions and fall/winter part-time opportunities. On-campus jobs are posted on the CareerZone portal, department websites, and social media, Workday, or at our Experience Expo event in January.  

How do I get help with my resume and cover letter? 

CareerZone is here to help guide you in building your resume and cover letter. You can visit the CareerZone portal > Student Resources > Cover Letter and Resume to review sample guidelines and formats. 

If you would like your professional documents reviewed, you can email OR visit CareerZone in Market Hall from Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm. Summer hours are Tuesday-Thursday, 10am-4pm. 

What is the photobooth and when can I access it?  

CareerZone has a photobooth that students can access for free to take a professional headshot for their LinkedIn profile or other professional platforms. Students can access the photobooth during CareerZone drop-in hours in Market Hall Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm. Summer hours are Tuesday-Thursday, 10am-4pm. 

What can I do with my degree? 

During your degree, you gain many transferable skills, which are skills that can translate from one professional or academic experience to another. CareerZone has Degree Exploration Guides available to you in the space or online through the CareerZone Portal > Student Resources > Explore Careers. By reviewing your Degree Exploration Guide, you can gain valuable information such as career possibilities, further education and entrance exams, professional associations in your field, volunteer opportunities, and skills you have gained from completing your degree here at Brock! 

Follow us to stay up to date on all our upcoming events and workshops! 

Instagram: @brocku_career.ed 

Written by: Jenna Rae Meier, Career Navigator 



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