Brock U is in FULL EXAM-MODE!
Although there are a lot of tasks, assignments, and exams going on... there is a lot of time to get ahead in the career side of things during this holiday season!
This can be done by updating your professional documents (CV, Resume, Cover Letter etc), networking, and being on the lookout for potential employers!
Some more practical steps you could take is challenging yourself to do a
"5 things to do before the end of Winter Break".
The challenge is to:
1. Speak to a close friend or a family member about a career goal you have in mind
In the season of giving, bond with someone you care about through a goal you genuinely care about in the career world.
2. Update your LinkedIn/Make a LinkedIn
In the corporate world, LinkedIn is very necessary, networking has been made so much easier through this app and it is a necessary bridge to put in place for your success.
3. Look for 10 possible employers you could apply for, for the summer period
This is a practical step to think about because it can also reveal the jobs you would be interested in partaking in and where you ideally see yourself.
4. Start looking at prerequisites for Post-Grad applications
It is always better to start looking into application requirements earlier than later. I assure you, you do not want to be bombarded with several statements of interest.
5. Write SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) Goals for 2024 regarding your professional/career-based path
CareerZone's Walk-In services are open from 10 am to 4 pm until the 20th of December
(While the virtual services go on till the 22nd of December from 10 am to 2 pm)
And opens back up on the 2nd of January for their in-person services
Be sure to get assistance as soon as possible!
Have a Great Holiday Break!
Clem, Career Navigator
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