Have you dreamed about getting involved either on campus or in the community?
To experience Brock in the best way possible, go through ExperienceBU!
ExperienceBU is an online site for Brock students. On the page you can learn about clubs at Brock,
upcoming events and volunteer opportunities. Additionally, you can locate the
campus wide co-curriculum (CWC) here!
As a third year student, I can say that getting involved at
Brock has been the highlight of my experience in University. Through an on-campus job with
Career Services, Involvement with various clubs, and representing Brock
University at various conferences I have had the opportunity to fully immerse
myself in the Brock community.
Through my involvement I met some amazing people who have
now become close friends, I've gained valuable skills and experiences, and had a lot
of FUN! I could not imagine what my university experience would have been like
without getting involved.
In addition to the aforementioned benefits, I have also had
the opportunity to network with industry professionals and gain valuable
connections that will benefit me once I begin applying for full-time jobs.
When you do decide
to get involved, you can track your experiences on two different locations:
Experience Plus and ExperienceBU.
Experience Plus is located on the my.brocku.ca student
portal under student self serve menu – Career Services. This is where you will
track your volunteer hours, on-campus jobs, and any professional development.
ExperienceBU located at experienceBU.brocku.ca, allows you
to locate involvement opportunities and track them through the campus wide
co-curriculum (CWC).
Did you know?
At every 20% interval of completion of the CWC, you are
eligible to be entered into win amazing prizes!! Just another reason why
getting involved is so beneficial.
At the end of the day, the resources and opportunities are
available for you to get involved, it’s up to YOU to take the initiative to
look into these opportunities. For further questions or resources about getting
involved, drop by the CareerZONE and speak to one of our Career Assistants who
would be glad to help you!
Sean Pereira
Sr. Career Assistant
Sr. Career Assistant