Monday, October 19, 2015

Top 5 Benefits of Creating a 'Master Resume'

A 'Master Resume' is a document that allows you to put every single career-related experience you can put on a resume onto a master document. The reason for doing this is to have everything you have ever done on a single document that includes a detailed explanation of the skills you developed during each experience; you are not limited by any page limit or word count and have the ability to put as many bullet points as possible for each experience. Creating a 'Master Resume' is a daunting task for anyone, but it is worthwhile and highly rewarding. Here are the top 5 benefits of creating a 'Master Resume'.

1. Allows you to quickly, and better tailor your resume for each job application
Job applications typically list a set of skills and experiences that they want their 'ideal' candidate to have. Sometimes it is easy to say that you have that skill, but actually listing everywhere where you have demonstrated that skills is crucial. With a 'Master Resume' you can have multiple bullet points for each position identifying different skills for each experience, so you can better identify your qualifications. It also allows for a much easier 'copy and paste' experience when tailoring your resume for each experience, as you can pick individual bullet points for each position to better address their qualifications.

2. Prepares you well for any job interview
Doing a full analysis of your skills and experiences prepares you well for almost any question, helps to answer the most dreaded and likely question of "tell me about yourself," and more importantly gives you confidence in your abilities. Instead of being caught off-guard when they ask you about your strengths and weaknesses, you can tackle that question knowing the full breadth of your skills and experiences.

3. A self-assessment in its own right
More of a soft benefit, a 'Master Resume' is a self-assessment in its own right. It puts everything in perspective in terms of what you have done, the skills and experiences you have gained, and your career pathway of start to present. It also better answers the question of 'what is your personal brand' as it allows you to begin to understand exactly what your personal brand is and how to further your brand. I'd encourage you to read our blog post about personal branding here and the importance of knowing yourself here.

4. Identifies gaps in skills and experiences
As much as it identifies skills, it also identifies gaps in skills and weaknesses - a perfect opportunity for you to fill those gaps! Knowing exactly what you have done will also tell you what you have not done, and you can then address those gaps and better yourself before that big job interview. 

5. It will help you create a better LinkedIn profile
LinkedIn in a lot of ways is like an online portfolio that identifies all of your relevant skills and experiences. Having a full in-depth knowledge of all your skills and experiences will help you create a better LinkedIn profile. You can have better SEO (search engine optimization) by identifying skills and experiences on your LinkedIn that you may not include on every resume you send out. Think of your 'Master Resume' as your LinkedIn profile template.

Anthony Mancuso
4th Year Honours Bachelor of Sport Management
Lead Career Assistant 

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