Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tough Interview Questions: Salary Negotiations

Here's another toughie - what in the world do you say when your interviewer or potential employer asks you about what salary you're expecting? This is a question that could seriously harm your chances of landing a position if approached the wrong way - that's exactly why we're here to help!

First of all, if this is a full-time position that you are applying for and it explicitly states in the job posting "Salary to be negotiated" then you're going to want to come prepared to the interview. Even if this isn't said, you never know if during an interview you might be asked to supply a salary expectation. That being said, do your research!
Before your interview check out some links on our website under "Salary Information". Browse through these tools to find out what normal salary ranges are for the kind of position that you are applying to. After doing some investigating, come up with a salary range (of about $5000-$10,000) that is appropriate for this position, the bottom of this range being the least you are willing to accept. 
**If the job posting indicates that you provide an expected salary in your application, mention this salary range in the last paragraph of your cover letter and be sure to remind the employer that this issue remains negotiable.

The most important thing to remember here is that salary is bound to come up at some point during your job search, especially once you begin looking for a full-time, entry level position after you graduate. Knowing what kind of pay you'd be willing to take and what you deserve to earn will make you more successful in landing a great position in the end. That's why it really pays to be prepared, literally! 

Here's to happy future paychecks!
- Lia

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